The Missing Link

Raise your hand if meeting new people scares you. Raise your hand if initiating a new relationship scares you. Raise your hand if opening up to people scares you. You probably raised your hand in response to at least one of those statements. We all experience some type of nervousness as it pertains to relationships. But what if that fear was keeping you from one of the greatest resources of your life? Because we are creatures of habit and prefer comfort, we find our tribe and stick with them. Though they are valuable, there may be other associations that can also add value to your life. For example, the people you’re connected to may give excellent business advice and strategy. But are they able to financially invest in your plans? Are they able to help you market your idea? Can they help you to identify your market? They still have value; but no one knows everything. We are better together!

A link is something that connects one part with another.

Not only may you be missing out on a life-changing connection, but you may be the missing link for someone else! What if you’re struggling to build because you’re not connected to the right piece or person? You need the right link. Take a chance! Get out of your comfort zone! You need people. People need you.

Find your missing link! Be available! Be the missing link (that others can find).

Let’s lock arms and link!

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Ramona J. Ragland

Brand Translator, Communications Consultant, and Word Stylist.